9 things a top hair colourist REALLY wants you to know

instamatic-beauty-1-webIf you’re a curious colour virgin or a frequent dyer these are the things a colourist is just ‘dying’ for you to know.

1. A picture can tell a thousand words

Do bring images of what you like and don’t like as people see colour differently so it always helps. But be realistic, celebs have often had hours of styling with hairpieces or even Photoshopping, so there’s no guarantee yours will look so picture-perfect all the time!

2. The best way to lighten up if you’re dark

If you’re naturally quite dark and want to go lighter don’t try to go too light as an all-over colour. Instead use your natural base and go lighter with pieces – this also helps to avoid unwanted orange tones

LPUK_SPEEDY_COLOUR_SERVICES_FAST_LIGHTS_PHOTOTHEQUE2015 - Copy3. Colouring and lightening are actually opposites

If you plan to go darker or stay a similar shade, this involves popping colour molecules into the hair shaft. But if you’re having it lightened, that process involves removing the molecules (melanin) from your hair, making it look lighter.

4. Having cut and colour? Do it in this order

If you’re feeling a big chop as well as a colour, book your haircut first – this helps your colourist to visualise colour placement. Colour should frame your face and compliment your haircut, it’s not just about putting as many highlights in as possible; sometimes less is more.

5. We need to know your history

Be honest about your colour history, its better we know if you coloured your hair at home, or if you were red last year, for example. Colour may fade but if you have long hair and your last colour was two years ago, chances are it’s still in there!

UK_IDB_INOAC_splashlight26. Please be patient

We aren’t magicians! Please know that sometimes colouring your hair is a journey. As much as we would love to get you from red/black to blonde in one go, sometimes we just can’t. Trust your colourist, and be patient.

7. You can burn your colour on holiday

Don’t forget to protect your colour whilst you’re away on holiday. Blondes get burnt and turn yellow, and brunettes can turn orange. Ask your colourist for take-home glosses to keep your tones right.

8. We recommend professional products for a reason

Use professional hair care after colouring – it is so important to use good shampoos/conditioners and treatments. Why spend so much money on getting your colour right then wash it with something that makes it fade?

9. Don’t just focus on your roots

It’s important to regularly tweak your colour as well as getting your roots done – letting your colourist make small changes is key to keeping your hair fresh and current. The same root touch-up every time doesn’t always cut it!

Source: http://www.cosmopolitan.co.uk/

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